Time to dress up and be a bit silly...
Time: All the time in the world!
How to do the tool: One of my favourite ways to help me bloom and see others shine around me is to get dressed up into another character for an evening. It's so nice to get away from myself for a while. It brings a connectedness among people like nothing else I have experienced. I have boxes and boxes of fancy dress gear at home.
This one is of me as 'Tamara Palmer Bucktooth' for a murder mystery party.
I confess there are times when I daydream about spending my whole life in fancy dress.
It reminds me to take myself and life less seriously and just be a bit silly. Which is a healthy reminder for me as I can get lost in my thoughts sometimes.
What have you done to take yourself less seriously lately?
If you have some interesting, surprising or inspiring results from using this TOOL please share your experience with us.