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Finding My Quiet Space

Cartoon:  Finding My Quiet Space

Artist: Jenny Ritchie


I’ve had something on my mind today that has been bothering me. Overthinking life’s challenges for me leads to reduced productivity, withdrawal and a heap of insomnia.

I remembered what a friend said to me at the weekend. ‘Jenny, that quiet place you are seeking, the only place you’ll find it is inside’. So after I got back from a bike ride to let off some steam, I sat and meditated. To begin that peaceful process from inside myself.

I created a visual experience of imagining me inside a teepee where all of life’s problems were outside of the teepee. There was a comforting fire in the middle. And I meditated inside the teepee. Focussing on breathing from my belly. For about 15 minutes.

My chest no longer feels tight. I’m no longer over thinking. I feel peaceful.

I can come back to the teepee whenever I need some peace from my thoughts.

Then I drew it. Drawing something so simple made me relax even more.

I love having this creative outlet.


See our post on meditation which includes a book recommendation for meditation techniques.