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How to get the love you want and give the love they want

Book:  The 5 Love Languages

Author: Gary Chapman

Buy from: Amazon

Take the test: 5 Love Languages - which are your favourite love languages?


What ways do you like someone to show you that they love you? What ways do you show others that you love them?

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We all have different ways that we like someone to show us that they love us. Some like to be given gifts. Others like someone to give them their undivided attention. Others like to be touched. Some simply like to be told 'I love you'....lots. I learnt from this book that the way that I like to be shown love might be completely different to the way someone else likes to feels loved and special. 

If you are in a relationship it is important to understand what ways your partner likes to be shown love because if you only focus on what you like you may completely miss a vital opportunity to interact with them in a way that works for them.

I realised that while I love receiving gifts, they don't need to be lavish or delux or expensive. I like them to feel personal to me and that some thought has gone into the gift. It can be second hand or hand made or something on a scrap of paper. I just like to feel someone has understood me and thought about me.

I also really value someone giving me their time. Be that on the phone or asking to spend time with me. Texting can be convenient but if someone only communicates with me by text it can leave me feeling empty and disconnected from them.

I also try to work out when I am around others what ways do they like to be shown that I love them.

I guess, like most human interactions this comes down to communication. Are we willing to be open enough to speak our truth about what works for us whilst trying to avoid coming across as demanding? Are we willing to focus on the other person and understand what works for them?

I love this book as an insight to love and how different we all are.

At the end of the day, who doesn't crave love? Let's start sharing one another's language. And bloom from the love we've shared and received.


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